Fibre Optic
We understand that fibre optic cabling will be at the very heart of your data network. The speed and reliability of fibre optic cabling puts it at the center of your network.
For this reason, we use only high quality, rigorously tested fibre optic cable and follow the installation with stringent testing and certification. Our fibre cabling engineers are fully trained and have many years experience behind them.
Sometimes you have a choice, the distance and bandwidth requirements are such that you have the option of Copper or Fibre Optic Cable. Sometimes due to the same constraints fibre cabling is the only option. Where you have a choice, we always recommend a fibre optic installation since it will better support for future growth and is a more reliable medium than copper.
We have a wealth of experience in carrying out fibre optic cable repairs. Sometimes fibre cabling repairs are required after a total network outage or sometimes maybe you are experiencing degradation in data network performance.
In either case our expert fibre engineers will fully test your fibre installation and provide you with detailed analysis of any problem. Should it be found there is a fault, we have the knowledge, experience and cutting edge equipment necessary to carry out the repairs promptly.